Faithfulness Is A Dirty Word: It’s not glamourous, almost nobody sees it, the internal battle and fight that you had to push through, maybe even just to be here this morning. Climbing over those voices of anxiety, guilt, shame, but continuing.
The Apostle famous words in Acts 20:22 Then Paul answered, “Why are you weeping and breaking my heart? I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.”
And again in Acts 14:19-20 After being Stoned in Lystra for preaching and left for dead he returns and finishes his sermon.
Other Biblical Models of Faithfulness:
Abraham: Believed and Acted pulled him away from familiarity, and certainty.
Daniel: Continued to pray despite persecution and being thrown into the lion’s den.
Esther: “If I must die for doing it, I will die.”
Three Hebrew: “God can save us, but if not, we wont bow.”
Job: “Though He slay me, yet I will trust Him.”
Jacob: Its dirty, dusty, wrestling and holding on. Holding on through indictment, failure and fighting for the victory.
No ticker tape parade, faithfulness is motivated by a push, unction, a voice of the Holy Spirit. Your response to that voice is not contingent on who is or isn’t watching. It commands us to get up and get going- Go unto.
It won’t let you give in or give up, won’t allow you to avoid, detour to another occupation, or excuse yourself from service. It brings us out of fear, self-pity, and all other reluctance.
Faithfulness to the call trumps our desire to be comfortable, but you trust the one who calls. You may have other plans, but in the end faithfulness triumphs.
Today what has God called you to?
What is stopping you?
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